Ruthanne Nopson: A Brilliant Storyteller for Children

Photo by Naomi Shi

Ruthanne Nopson’s books for children are some of the most thought-provoking and inviting stories I’ve had the chance to read to kids. She is a stellar storyteller for children.

As a child, I was lucky enough to have parents who encouraged me to read. They would take me to the library every week and let me choose any book that caught my eye. Looking back now, with kids of my own, I realize how important that was for my development, not just academically but also in my creativity, empathy, and personal growth. Reading literature is essential for everyone, but especially more so for children. This is because it is the most opportune time for them to develop a hunger for it and a tasteful appreciation of it, not just as a work of art but as a tool for communication and advancing the human spirit. 

Why Children Need to Read

Reading literature helps develop children’s imagination and creativity. When reading books, we are transported to different worlds, meet exciting characters, and experience adventures that are generally beyond our means and scope. Reading allows us to circumvent our limitations. In books, we explore new ideas and perspectives and develop unique ways of thinking and solving problems. 

Stories also teach us to think outside the box and see the world in novel and exciting ways.

Reading can also help develop empathy and emotional intelligence. When we read books, we get to know characters who are different from us and have different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We learn to understand their emotions, motivations, and struggles and to see the world through their eyes. Looking at the world through someone else’s eyes helps us develop empathy with them, appreciate the diversity we see in our daily lives, and be more open-minded and accepting of those who are different.

As a child reads books, they are growing personally and intellectually. Literature teaches us about different cultures, histories, and social issues. It is a chance for children to develop a broader perspective on life and the world and become more informed and knowledgeable, even as they just stay at home. Reading expands our critical thinking skills as we learn to evaluate arguments, analyze evidence, and form opinions.

Lastly, reading literature is, perhaps, the most popular and accessible form of escapism outside of retreating to the mind and imagining another world. Reading can be a way to escape from reality, relax and unwind, and find joy and pleasure. It can be a way to connect with others, to share stories and experiences, and to build relationships. Reading can also be a way to cope with difficult emotions or situations, as we find solace and inspiration in the stories we read and immerse ourselves in.

A Brilliant Storyteller for Children

Now that I have children, it is my duty as a parent to try and help them understand what they are reading. More importantly, it’s my job to help them sift through what are objectively bad books and what are not. You wouldn’t want your kid to be reading a copy of Game of Thrones when they’re still five years old, would you? (If so, go away. This place isn’t for you.)

As a parent, I’ve to explore a wide array of genres and get to know tons of authors to find what clicks for my kids—and there is one author that I’d like to really hone in on. This is because, while I’m not her target demographic by all means, my children, on the other hand, are quite smitten with her stories and her illustrations.

I’m talking of a not-so-well-known author who goes by the name of Ruthanne Nopson. Now, Ruthanne Nopson’s books for children are maybe some of the most explorative I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Her books are not only excellent in writing, but they are also compelling in story and have left a lasting impression on my kids (and me). 

The worlds in her books are imaginative and creative. Her stories take you to a different world, one that’s full of magic and wonder. Reading her books feels like going on an adventure, and her characters are so well-developed and relatable that you feel right there with them. 

Her stories are compelling because they are emotionally resonant. Her stories tackle complex themes that can be quite difficult for children to process, but she does them in a way that is relatable and accessible to children. 

I truly believe Ruthanne Nopson’s books are timeless. Her stories have an air of a classic around them, and I believe they will still resonate with children even in the future. There is a universal appeal that makes them entertaining and thought-provoking.

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