Turn Over a New Leaf: Being a Better Version of Yourself

Photo by Jill Wellington

Monique Johnson’s message of relentlessly overcoming resistance is a much-needed line for the younger generation, a call for becoming a better version of yourself!

Sometimes, it’s quite easy to look at life as simply a series of challenges laid out for us–some small and some large, but all with a chance of overcoming if only we become a better version of ourselves. And it is how we overcome these challenges that ultimately shape us as individuals, thinking entities living on this green Earth, among others of our kind. 

The biggest challenge I ever faced so far was losing my job. In this world where money is such an influential factor, and the only way for most of us to make money is through having a job, losing your job can be very frightening. This was especially so for me since I’d spent all my savings to pay for my dad’s surgery. When I lost my job, I had to start over from scratch.

Ten years. For ten years, I worked for my previous company. Of course, I had some misgivings about some areas, but for the most part, working there was comfortable. I was quite happy with the things I accomplished, and it felt like things would go on that way for longer. 

Then, the recession hit us. There was some kerfuffle I never really managed to piece together, but to go straight to the point: they had to change up some things and had to downsize. Unfortunately, I was one of the ones that had to go. I like to think that they all did this by random–write down the names of employees on strips of paper, put them all in a bowl, and, after a shake, pick one out. I don’t actually know why I was part of the batch. I thought I’d contributed much, but apparently, I didn’t. Whatever. That was long ago. At first, when they informed me, I was in deep shock. I couldn’t believe it. But, as it always does, reality set in, and I was forced to accept that I had to reorient myself. 

I had to contend with the myriad questions bubbling up in my mind. What did I want to do? Did I want to stay in the same industry? Did I want to try something new? Maybe, I could actually follow through on my desire to take a master’s degree? These were all swirling inside my head. 

After some time of looking inward and reading and listening to Monique Johnson’s overwhelming message of relentlessly overcoming resistance, I knew what I had to do. I wanted to start something new.

Turn Over a New Leaf

I had always been interested in writing. And that was where I wanted to go. The next challenge I had to face was looking for a job. It was tough. The job market has never been kind. I applied to a lot of openings, but no one responded. It was humiliating, frustrating, and disheartening. But I wanted to become a better version of myself, so I persisted.

Eventually, I landed a job writing content for a start-up company.

Starting a new job was a challenge in itself, especially because I’d yet to grow my sea legs. It was a different industry, and there was so much more I had to learn about, but I wanted to succeed.

I started to get the hang of things–I consider myself a fast learner–but the challenges still continued. There was still a lot to learn and a lot more room to grow. I can still remember the mistakes I made and the criticism I received. I’m thankful for everything, really, since I learned how to take feedback and truly take something out of them. It wasn’t easy. It’s never easy. But I like to think that that’s just how life is. And I consider myself greatly improved compared to the past.

Being a Better Version of Yourself

Looking back now, I am quite proud of where I came from and the things I overcame. I’ve become a better writer, and I’ve moved on to greener pastures. I crossed a turning point in my life, and I came out of it a better version of myself. I learned that I was more resilient and more robust than I led myself to believe, and I discovered my capacity for overcoming things. 

So, if you find yourself staring at a great challenge right now, know that you have what it takes to climb over it–and that you are not alone. It’s okay to feel tired and scared and overwhelmed but don’t let those emotions hold you back and weigh you down. Take a deep breath. Take some time to think about where you want to be and plan out what you have to do. 

It’s not easy. It never is. But it will be worth everything.

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