Are We Living in A Dystopian Reality?

Photo by cottonbro: From the violent society in The Hunger Games to Benoit Blanchard’s book about mind control, dystopian literature is a hit. But with this popularity, we then ask: will we have a time when we’ll also live this dystopian life? For decades, literature has been closely associated with the concept of escapism. This…

Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Should Know About

In today’s fast-paced modern world, everything is all about convenience. Taking public transportation should be convenient. Purchasing online or doing groceries should be convenient. Paying bills should be convenient. Even going to school or going to work should have some features of convenience to it. Convenience is what almost anyone and everyone are after, which…

Technology & Crime-Fighting: The Ultimate Combination

The world of science fiction is a world of enigma. The universe in which science fiction exists is so vast, full of mystery, and innovative ideas coming out of an author’s creative brain cells that it’s almost as if the readers can feel the sparks shooting out from the author’s thought process. One of the…